
"Think outside of the box by thinking with it"

- Creators of Box


Quad-OS is a web based operating system that is hosted on Github. Quad-OS is free to the public and is an opensource project. It is made out of pure HTML, CSS, and JS (along with JSON and JQuery). It is still a work in progress and has not reached its full potential.


Box is a web based perosnal assistant that works with local storage to save data and information about you, your preferneces, and answers to specific questions. Box is also open sourced in a unique way, where the user is able to build up the database of Box without having to program. By simply asking an unknown question, giving an answer, and providing key words, Box can then identify the question nd respond to it in the way you prefer. Box also allows for you to add these questions and answers in a comma-delimited txt file (first half questions, second half answers, in the corresponding order). Box additionally has hidden features and will soon obtain reminders and other great features!


Quad-GR (Quad-Gear) is a development project which is not open to the public. The Quad-GR is a device which will serve the purposes of a mouse, but in a different form and process. It will be made with a Raspberry Pi Board and an Arduino Board.